Un vrai Coup de Pouce à l’entrepreneuriat
Ayant pour objectif de soutenir les salariés du groupe Thales dans leur démarche personnelle de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, le dispositif...
Ayant pour objectif de soutenir les salariés du groupe Thales dans leur démarche personnelle de création ou de reprise d’entreprise, le dispositif...
GERIS evaluates the social and economic impact of the businesses restructuration and helps them to negotiate the agreement with the Government and the social partners. GERIS defines the revitalization measures that drive the economic development of the territory by agreement with the local stakeholders
The job losses related to the restructuring of the company must therefore be offset by the support of SMEs implanted in the same territory and that have growth projects. We identify sustainable job creation projects and analyze them. Then, our consultants support business leaders in their strategy and mobilize the appropriate financial means that are optimized thanks to unparalleled leverage effects.